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Our company does not offer support beyond the knowledge base provided here, does not accept any compensation or reimbursement for potential failures of implementations by those who choose to download and build at their own risk, nor does it guarantee the functionality of implementations made by users or at their request, unless our company is formally contracted and directly involved in the manufacturing process.

By downloading and using any content on this page, the user agrees to all terms and conditions of use, freely and voluntarily committing to faithfully follow all rules, whose content is based on the Creative Commons standard.


"Gerber" file type used to order electronic circuit boards and prototypes.

Just download and send it to the printing company of your choice. 
Unless otherwise requested, your board will come without the necessary components and modules.
To find out which ones you need, we've included a Bill of Materials (BOM) on this page that can be purchased from electronics stores and websites (for Makers).

It is necessary to purchase the exact modules and components to avoid incompatibilities.

For printing the motherboard, we recommend JLCPCB (from China) to print your project, which produces in any quantity and ships worldwide, or you can order a ready-to-use one from us.
Basic electronic knowledge is necessary!


Requires basic knowledge of using and configuring program editing applications (e.g., Arduino IDE).
We recommend Arduino IDE (download).

For more information on how to install IDE programs, there are several tutorials on YouTube.

Among the required skills, the user needs to:
1. Master driver installation for the ESP32 board,
2. Know how to configure the IDE app for the ESP32S3 board,
3. Configure the serial output 'com' type available on your system,
4. Configure the partition to "Minimal SPIFFS (1.9MB), and
5. Know how to upload the basic configuration file (attachment.txt) to the SPIFFS partition (Sketch Data Upload).